If this didn't help...

You can visit W3Schools and type 'HTML Video Embedding' in the search bar for a more detailed tutorial. P.S. W3Schools wasn't contacted in any way.


The Video Tag

The video tag, as you may have guessed, is a HTML/CSS tag that let's you insert a video into your website (or game cutscenes, depends on what you are working on).

Video Tag

What the video tag looks like


The video tag can be very useful. For example; if you want more detailed instructions and don't want it playing all the time, you can use this code:

Example Code With the Control Attribute

Example code with the Control Attribute


By the way, here are some boolean attributes and preload values:

Boolean Attributes

Boolean attributes

Preload Values

Preload values


Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


N Scale Model Railroad Build


Dan and Spectra's Final Battle